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In UO, Reputation is the title given on your paperdoll. It is based on a two variable system: Karma and Fame.

Your reputation can matter greatly in some specific circumstances. For example, most NPCs will not interact with characters that have the lowest level of karma.

Reputation replaced the earlier notoriety system, which was less complex but subject to certain oddities. However, the term "notoriety" survives in some circles, for example, the out-of-date phrase noto killer remains in fairly common use.


is one of two variables in the Reputation Title System, the other being Fame. You can lose or gain karma depending on your actions. Thievery and the making and applying of poison adversely affect a character’s karma. Dispatching evil creatures, completing quests and killing murderers benefit a character’s karma. Karma can be calculated by the following approximate formula:

Slaying an Evil Creature

  • Example: Ice Fiend's Karma = -18,000
  • Your Karma = 5,000
  • Karma Gained = -(-180) - 50 = 130.
  • New Karma = 5,000 + 130 = 5,130

Slaying a Good Creature

  • Example: Dolphin's Karma = 2000
  • Your Karma = 9,497
  • Karma Lost = (-2000 - 9,497) / 100 = -114 (rounded down)
  • New Karma = 9,497 - 114 = 9,383

Karma Locking

Karma is locked. A mantra spoken at a shrine will unlock it again." At least this is how it should work, until Telamon fix this issue we use an in game command to toggle karma on and off. Type [ToggleKarma] ingame and press enter. The Shrines of the Virtues will forgive your transgressions. All you need to do is pay your respects with the special mantras of the shrines. Since each shrine is dedicated to a different virtue, a different mantra works for each one. When succesful you will get the message "You once again control your destiny".

Keep in mind that locked Karma only means you cannot gain Karma; by doing bad deeds, you will still be able to lose Karma. Your Karma will be locked every time you switch from a positive Karma level to a negative Karma level. As long as your Karma is locked, you cannot receive Karma from other players that try to use the phrase "I honor thee" on you. However, maybe you're not the kind soul you want people to think you are. Maybe you would rather be feared than respected. Maybe you want NPCs to duck for cover, and others to keep their distance for fear of the consequences. Maybe you want to be evil. All you have to do then is find the Chaos Shrine (you know where that is, right?) and chant the mantra "bal". Your karma will lock and you can kill monsters without fear of people thinking your intentions are good. Also, if you have positive Karma but do not want it to rise any higher from good deeds, meditate at the chaos shrine to lock your Karma. Fame is unaffected by locking / unlocking of Karma

Color and Morality

All characters, NPCs, animals, and monsters have a moral standing that is indicated by their Allnames color, the color of their Object Handle, and their Highlight color. The morality color of NPCs, animals, and monsters is determined by the respective karma and alignment possessed. Blue creatures have positive karma and a good alignment; killing a blue will reduce a character’s karma. Attacking gray creatures may or may not have an effect on karma. Red creatures and player characters may be attacked without karma loss. In fact, one way to gain karma is to kill red characters. If a character's karma points exceed those of a monster, he or she will not receive an increase in karma. Non-aggressive animals give either no karma or negative karma when killed. New characters will generally receive more karma than fame for a kill. However, veterans receive more fame than karma per kill.


is one of two variables in the Reputation Title System, the other being Karma. Fame also is required to pursue the Virtue of Sacrifice. When fame is mentioned in reference to monsters, it is a commodity. Just as with gold, the tougher the monster, the higher the monsters levels of fame, and the greater the amount of fame earned by the character who kills it. All creatures, both animals and monsters, have a predetermined amount of fame. When fame is mentioned in reference to player characters, it refers to an aspect of the Reputation Title System. Fame runs an open-ended range from 0 to 10,000 and above. As the fame scale is exponential, it becomes increasingly more difficult to gain a higher level. Fame is not earned on a one-for-one basis; killing a single Balron will not grant the character 24,000 points (see table below). Only a small portion of a creature's fame transferred to the warrior that vanquished it. Fame can also be gained by doing BOD’s, Bulk Order Deeds. This is how characters that are primarily crafters acquire titles. Fame can be calculated by the following approximate formulas:

  • Example: Ice Fiend's Fame = 18,000
  • Your fame = 7,000
  • Fame Gained = ( 18,000 - 7000 ) / 100 = 110
  • New Fame = 7,000 + 110 = 7,110

  • Example: Orc's Fame = 1500
  • Your Fame = 800
  • Fame Gained = ( 1,500 - 800 ) / 100 = 7
  • New Fame = 800 + 7 = 807


Main articles: Fame and Karma Your karma and fame combination determine what your title is. Here is a table of them all.

Karma\Fame < 1,250 < 2,500 < 5,000 < 10,000 10,000+
10,000+ Trustworthy Estimable Great Glorious Glorious Lord/Lady
< 10,000 Honest Commendable Famed Illustrious Illustrious Lord/Lady
< 5,000 Good Honorable Admirable Noble Noble Lord/Lady
< 2,500 Kind Respectable Proper Eminent Eminent Lord/Lady
< 1,000 Fair Upstanding Reputable Distinguished Distinguished Lord/Lady
< 500 && > -500 [None] Notable Prominent Renowned [None] Lord/Lady
< -1,250 Rude Disreputable Notorious Infamous Dishonored Lord/Lady
< -2,500 Unsavory Dishonorable Ignoble Sinister Sinister Lord/Lady
< -5,000 Scoundrel Malicious Vile Villainous Dark Lord/Lady
< -10,000 Despicable Dastardly Wicked Evil Evil Lord/Lady
-10,000+ Outcast Wretched Nefarious Dread Dread Lord/Lady