Thieves Guild
Joining the Thieves Guild is a requirement if you want to be able to steal from players.
It also allows you purchase Disguise Kits.
How to join
In order to join, you need to fulfil these requirements first:
- Have, at least, 60.0% skill in Stealing
- Have played, at least, 48 in-game hours on that characters
- Have that character, at least, for real time week
Joining the Guild
In Buccaneer's Den, Northwest of the moongate, you can find the Pirate's Den building (2664,2193,4). Inside there's Aida the Guildmaster Thief. Approach her and say join, she'll name her price to join the guild. Drop the money on her to join.
Disguise Kit
One other benefit of membership is the ability to purchase and use disguise kits.
Disguise kits can be purchased for seven hundred gold from the thief guildmaster by saying "<NPC Name> buy disguise kit." The NPC will claim that that "particular item" is available for purchase at seven hundred.
Drop the gold on to the NPC (as you would if you were training a skill) and a disguise kit will be placed in your pack.
When you use a disguise kit, you will be asked to select a new hair and/or facial hair style. When you have done this, you will be given a new name and the chosen hairstyle(s). Note that your hair and facial hair will both be white if you change them.
This disguise will last for two hours, at which point you will convert back to your normal look and name. (The timer for this keeps running when you are logged out. Death will revert you back to normal.)
The Thieves Guild is quite strict about murder.
If you kill a player, you will get a murder count and be removed from the Thieves' Guild for a week. Only fight those that appear gray to you.
If you find yourself attacked by a person that highlights blue, run away. Come back after two minutes and, if the player attacks you again, you will now be able to defend yourself with lethal force. Do note that you will not auto-defend against an attacking player that highlights blue, so you need only use a little care to avoid getting murder counts.
IMPORTANT: Do not fight back against a player that highlights blue to you.